Total Miles: 35 miles (I'm slacking big time!)
Total Hours spent sweating: 6.4 hours
What I've learned: If I really want to kick this race's behind, I have to stop being a baby and working harder.
Goal for next week: Complete all runs and stop being sick (pretty lofty goal)
Sunday, November 13
Rest (as planned)
I spent most, if not the entire week feeling sick and yucky. We (my parents and I) got this horrible bug that makes you feel like a huge truck ran you over.
Monday, November 14
Rest (skipped the workout)
The being hit by a truck syndrome continued. Why do I skip runs when I feel horrible? My boyfriend is a huge PITA (in the nicest way possible) and likes to lecture me that running while sick only makes things worse. So for the first time, I decided to listen to him :)
Tuesday, November 15
Run: 7 miles in 69 minutes
Cool-down: 20 minutes
The run felt pretty good. I was still feeling sick, but I rather feel sick than chunky. There is no worse feeling than feeling sick and like you're gaining weight. So I got off my tush, put on my cutest lululemon shorts and ran.
Wednesday, November 16
Run/ Walk Intervals: 8 miles
Total time: 1 hr 43 min
Mile 1: 12:50 (3.8 mph/ 6 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.1 mph) < how to decipher (1st .25 m/ 2nd .25 m/ 3rd .25 m/ 4th .25 m)
Mile 2: 12:40 (4 mph/ 6.2 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.3 mph)
Mile 3: 12:00 (4 mph/ 6.4 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.5 mph)
Mile 4: 11:52 (4 mph/ 6.6 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.7 mph)
Mile 5: 11:00 (4 mph/ 6.9 mph/ 4 mph/ 7 mph)
Mile 6: 11:29 (4 mph/ 6.8 mph/ 4 mph/ 7 mph)
Mile 7: 14:00 (4 mph at incline of 3.0)
Mile 8: 16:00 (cool-down)
Thursday, November 17
Run: 10 miles
Total Time: 1 hour and 40 minutes
Friday, November 18
Run: 10 miles
Total time: 1 hour and 36 minutes
Saturday, November 19
I took the day off to take my little cousin to a Princess party! So much fun
GUESS WHO IS COMING TO VISIT? BOYFRIEND!!! Hopefully, I'll update the blog with lots of fun pictures from this weekend's activities and succeed in my goal of not over-eating and eating an entire turkey family.
I'm trying to persuade my mother to incorporate something green and healthy into our thanksgiving meal, but she's subscribes to the Paula Deen ideology and unless it has three sticks of butter and crisco, it's not on the menu. There is always next year... or Christmas.