Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Week 3: Goofy Training

Sorry for the delay, law school has officially taken over my life. A journal, a paper and three exams = no fun. But I'm not complaining, I love school and I'm blessed for having the opportunity to achieve my dreams and goals. So, here is last weeks re-cap:

Total Miles: 35 miles (I'm slacking big time!)
Total Hours spent sweating: 6.4 hours

What I've learned: If I really want to kick this race's behind, I have to stop being a baby and working harder. 

Goal for next week: Complete all runs and stop being sick (pretty lofty goal)

Sunday, November 13
Rest (as planned)

I spent most, if not the entire week feeling sick and yucky. We (my parents and I) got this horrible bug that makes you feel like a huge truck ran you over. 

Monday, November 14
Rest (skipped the workout)

The being hit by a truck syndrome continued. Why do I skip runs when I feel horrible? My boyfriend is a huge PITA (in the nicest way possible) and likes to lecture me that running while sick only makes things worse. So for the first time, I decided to listen to him :)

Tuesday, November 15
Run: 7 miles in 69 minutes
Cool-down: 20 minutes

The run felt pretty good. I was still feeling sick, but I rather feel sick than chunky. There is no worse feeling than feeling sick and like you're gaining weight. So I got off my tush, put on my cutest lululemon shorts and ran. 

Wednesday, November 16
Run/ Walk Intervals: 8 miles
Total time: 1 hr 43 min
Mile 1: 12:50 (3.8 mph/ 6 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.1 mph) < how to decipher (1st .25 m/ 2nd .25 m/ 3rd .25 m/ 4th .25 m)
Mile 2: 12:40 (4 mph/ 6.2 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.3 mph)
Mile 3: 12:00 (4 mph/ 6.4 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.5 mph)
Mile 4: 11:52 (4 mph/ 6.6 mph/ 4 mph/ 6.7 mph)
Mile 5: 11:00 (4 mph/ 6.9 mph/ 4 mph/ 7 mph)
Mile 6: 11:29 (4 mph/ 6.8 mph/ 4 mph/ 7 mph)
Mile 7: 14:00 (4 mph at incline of 3.0)
Mile 8: 16:00 (cool-down)

Thursday, November 17
Run: 10 miles
Total Time: 1 hour and 40 minutes

Friday, November 18 
Run: 10 miles
Total time: 1 hour and 36 minutes

Saturday, November 19

I took the day off to take my little cousin to a Princess party! So much fun

GUESS WHO IS COMING TO VISIT? BOYFRIEND!!! Hopefully, I'll update the blog with lots of fun pictures from this weekend's activities and succeed in my goal of not over-eating and eating an entire turkey family. 

I'm trying to persuade my mother to incorporate something green and healthy into our thanksgiving meal, but she's subscribes to the Paula Deen ideology and unless it has three sticks of butter and crisco, it's not on the menu. There is always next year... or Christmas. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 2 of Goofy Training

Total Miles: 37.5 
Total hours spent sweating: 9.45 hours

Disclaimer: Like every law student before finals, life happened this week and I missed one run and had to make up the other run on Sunday. This is the time of the year that my planning works out.
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Complete Rest Day!

I spent the entire day working on work stuff and working on my Sentencing Reform journal. I had to force myself not to take a break and workout, but I need to respect rest days.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Run: 9 miles (1 hour and 40 minutes)

Warm up: Walk 1 mile- 16 minutes
Run: 7 miles- 68 minutes
Cool-Down: Walk 1 mile- 16 minutes

Core Exercise x 4: 30 seconds in plank/ 30 seconds in forearm plank/ 30 seconds recovery

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Run/Walk interval: 4 miles and 0.50 mile cool down (57 Minutes)
Yoga: 1 hour

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Elliptical: 1 hour
Spinning: 45 minutes

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Run: 1 mile warm up, 7 miles run, 1 mile cool down
Time: 1 hour and 35 minutes

Friday, November 11, 2011

Missed workout (made up on Sunday)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Missed workout

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Run: 15 miles 
Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes

I did this run without a Garmin, I mapped out the run and just tried to keep a consistent pace. I was a bit scared of how easy this run was. I got home and felt like I could have kept running.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Reservations made for the Disney Marathon Weekend!

We're going to Disney (in 60 days)!

Background: We're not crazy. Disney resorts and restaurants sell out months in advanced for Disney Marathon Weekend. 

Where we're staying: The All-Star Sports
I'm a big fan of the value resorts in Disney. 

(1) They're inexpensive in comparison to the other resorts. 

(2) For marathon weekend they're great because of their close proximity to ESPN's Wide World of Sports.

(3) They're fun!

Where we're eating:

My awesome boyfriend with a yummy Mickey Cookie during our Feb. 2011 Disney Trip
Drinking a refreshing Margarita after the Princess- Feb. 2011

Since we're Annual Passholders, we can book a Room and Dining Plan package without purchasing tickets. We got the basic dining plan which includes (2) Table Service meals, (2) Quick Service Meals, and (2) snacks per person for a two- night stay. Also, we each get a refillable mug.  We plan on using our Quick Service meals on Friday night when we get in and for Saturday's lunch after the half. We're using our Table Service meals on the following days at the following restaurants:

Saturday, January 7 (early dinner): Coral Reef Restaurant

Sunday, January 8 (late lunch): Via Napoli (Boyfriend's favorite)

I am so excited about the race and going to Disney with my favorite person!

Whats your favorite thing to do at Disney?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Week 1 of Goofy Training

Re-Cap of the Week
Miles run: 40.82
Hours spent sweating: 10.7 hours
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Elliptical- 3.16 miles/ 33 minutes/ 287 Calories

Run Intervals- 3.82 miles/ 49 minutes (44 minutes/ 5 minutes) I did the run/ walk interval to gauge pain (if any) and just to see how hard I can push myself in 40 minutes. My intervals are usually a .25 mile walk at 3.8 - 4.0 mph followed by a .25 run. I decided to start my run intervals at 6.3 mph and I increased it by .2 mph for each interval. I worked myself up the ending my intervals at 7.5 mph. I had absolutely no pain in my right ankle, but slight discomfort in my lower back.

It was a great first day back, I was in heaven being able to run again without pain.
    Monday, October 31, 2011

    Run: 7 miles on treadmill (yuck, but it was a late night and I hate running in the cold)
    • 1 mile warm up run- 10:30 pace
    • 5 miles run at 9:45 pace
    • 1 mile cool-down at 10:30 pace
    • .50 mile walk at 3.5 mph
    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    Run: Interval "Speed" work- 50 minutes (4 miles) Just like Monday, my intervals are every .25 miles and alternate from walking and running. I walked at 4.0 mph, and then started my run at 6.5 mph and continued to increase during each run interval until I reached 7.9 mph.

    Yoga: 1 hour

    I LOVE yoga. I always feel so "zen" after a great yoga session, and my arms and core have really benefited from my yoga practice. Plus, I'm starting to do some of the fun balancing stuff (reminds me of my dance days) and I LOVE backbends (reminds me of my Cheerleading days).

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011 (rest day= no running)

    Yoga: 1 hour

    Extreme Spin Class: 45 minutes

    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    Run: 1 hour 30 minute run- I think I ran about 8 to 9 miles ( I really need a Garmin)

    Super Blurry Picture captured with my Blackberry

    Of course, on my way back from my run, I made a pit stop at the Lululemon showroom. I didn't get anything because (a) the holidays are approaching (I already got three of Boyfriend's Christmas gifts, I still have to get him an anniversary present, and I have to get all our families' and friends' gifts) and (b) I already had a shipment on its way which included 2 speed shorts (on sale online), a pair of crops and a tank top. 

    Friday, November 4, 2011

    Run: 6 mile run- 60 minutes

    Friday was a rough run day. I'd been in class and studying all day. My intentions were to do my 12 mile run as planned, but felt horrible. Plus, my nerves for the MPRE were no bueno. I decided that I'd rather do a good 6 mile run, that was scheduled for Saturday, and do the 12 miles on Saturday instead.

    Saturday, November 5, 2011

    Run: 12 Miles- 2 hours

    Great run considering the circumstances. I did the first 10 miles on the treadmill. Was feeling amazing until Mile 8 when my stomach started grumbling. I took the MPRE earlier that morning at 9 am and didn't eat before or after the exam. Once I got home from the exam, I changed into my running gear and ran downstairs to the gym for a run. After 10 miles on the treadmill, I went back to my apartment, ate two shot blocks, grabbed my reusable grocery bags and ran to the Whole Foods which is 2 miles from my apartment. I was able to do those last two mile in 17 minutes. Overall, I felt really good.

    Question: What did you do this week? 

      Friday, November 4, 2011

      Question: I'm interested in running, what do I need?

      I've gotten this question from several friends and classmates who are interested in running long distances races. 

      Disclaimer: I am no where near competitive nor am I a running guru, just the thought of it kind of makes me chuckle. 

      However, I do know from previous experience what works best for me. I created a short list of my run essentials. What you will notice is that I didn't list a Garmin or GPS-type of watch. I've been thinking about getting one for quite some time and I think I'll be getting my boyfriend's old one when he gets a new one. I have heard that these watches are great, and I used my boyfriend's during the Disney Princess in February and I loved it. I just rather spend the $200 on more Lululemon running stuff or a pair of gorgeous Stuart Weitzman's (4 inch heel and above please).

      1. Great running sneakers- A pair of great, not good, running sneakers is of the utmost importance. Don't just go to your local Marshall's and pick up the cheapest pair of running sneakers. I would strongly recommend going to a run-specific store that actually "fits" you. My personal favorite is Runner's High in Miami, FL. I got my first pair of running sneakers there. I was fitted by one of their specialists and I eventually selected the Brooks Adrenaline sneaker. You want to look for a store that has a treadmill and a video camera, where they'll put you to run on the treadmill and video tape you as you run. This is so you can see your stride in different types of sneakers and which sneaker provides the best support. It is also recommended that you get new sneakers every 500 miles. Depending on your weight and height, it may be recommended that you get new sneakers every 300 - 400 miles. 

      2. Road ID- My Road ID may be one of the best presents I've received. It sounds corny but I love my Road ID and it makes me feel safe when I run. Prior to getting my Road ID, I would go out for long runs without any type of identification and sometimes without my cell phone. Looking back, if something would have happened to me, the likelihood of identifying me would have been slim. I got my Road ID about a year ago from my boyfriend as one of my Christmas gifts. (Side note: My boyfriend is an excellent gift giver. He is extremely thoughtful and pays close attention to detail) Any time I go out for a run outdoors I wear my Road ID. I have a pink wrist ID. There are different models available and for those that don't want to wear anything else on their wrist, they even have a Road ID that can be attached to your sneaker. If there is anything you purchase besides a great pair of sneakers, I would purchase a Road ID.

      My Road ID before my Thursday Run

      3. I Pod: This really changes from runner to runner. There are some runners who love running with music and others who refuse to do so. I'm one of those who needs music to run. I've been running to the same play list for quite sometime. If it's not broken, why fix it?

      My Dinosaur

      4. Good  (functional) running clothes: As with the I Pod situation, the "run while looking cute" option differs from person to person. Personally, I don't like looking like prom-princess while working out, but I do like to make sure that if I run into someone important, such as a professor, at the gym, that I don't look like a hot mess. In other words, I like to match, I do wear running skirts when the weather permits, and I spend way too much money on Lululemon products. When it comes to picking clothes for running, you want to make sure that its comfortable and doesn't cause chafing (enemy number 2, enemy number 1 is injuries). Just because its cute doesn't mean that its functional. Furthermore, just because its inexpensive doesn't mean that it isn't awesome. I buy all of my sports bras at Target and Wal-mart. Target and Wal-mart carry champion's line of sports bra, which I think are the most supportive and the best for my body type. One of my biggest pet peeves is a lack of "support" while running. I like absolute no movement from the "co-stars" during my runs and workouts. As far as tights (with light compression), my current favorite are my Lululemon Inspire Crops.  As far as tops, I prefer running in long sleeve tops or tank tops. I have a huge problem with short sleeve shirts and chafing. When I find a good short sleeve top, I'll let you know.

      5. Hydration- When running outdoors you'll need some type of portable water supply. Some people love fuel belts, others carry a water bottle. I still haven't found one that I love and if you have any suggestions, I would love them. I found one online that I may be considering, even though its a bit pricey (probably because of the lululemon symbol)> Amphipod Hand Held. It even has a pocket for an ID or a credit card.

      6. Race/ Fuel Belt- Some people eat during longer runs and in order to hold their gels or "nutritional items" they use a fuel or race belt. I can't eat during longer runs, so i usually use my race belt to hold my cell phone and chapstick. I also like my race belt for races, so i don't have to poke holes in my shirt and I attach my bib on the belt using the bungee cord option. I really like Spi Belts and bought the Red/White polka dot one at the Disney Princess Expo in February. 
      My Spit Belt
      Leave a comment :) : What are your favorite running essentials?